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Senator and his wife decide to end 20 years of marriage

On Behalf of | Oct 26, 2012 | Divorce

Many married citizens of Clarksville experience marital disputes throughout their relationship, even after they’ve been together for a long period of time. Of course, many years together don’t guarantee that the relationship will last forever. Even the longest marriages sometimes end in divorce, and with divorce comes the complicated process of property division.

Couples experiencing difficulties with property division may learn something from U.S. Sen. Mark Pryor.

The senator and his wife were married on July 4, 1992. The Arkansas couple has an 18-year-old son and a 17-year-old daughter. After 20 years of marriage, the couple decided to file for a divorce, citing indignities as the reason for the split. According to the senator, their divorce was agreed upon mutually.

The good news is that both parties were able to quickly come to a mutual agreement to many of the issues that accompany divorce. The couple agreed to amicably settle debt obligations and division of assets. They also determined which parent will have custody of their daughter. Their agreement may also speed up the divorce proceedings because most of the issues were already addressed.

Property division is one of the most difficult issues for people going through divorce, especially if the marriage was long term. Assets gained in the marriage should be discussed honestly and transparently in order to achieve equitable division. Marital property can include household goods, pieces of furniture, personal belongings, business assets, pensions, investments, automobiles and the residential home.

Debts like a home mortgage, automobile debt, shared credit card debts and loans are also divided between the couple. A person facing divorce may seek help from an expert who will help them to obtain a fair and just division for everyone before they set foot in a courtroom.

Source:, “Sen. Mark Pryor, wife to divorce,” Andrew DeMillo, Oct. 12, 2012


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