In Tennessee, alimony serves as financial support paid by one ex-spouse to the other following a divorce. It provides temporary or long-term support depending on the recipient's needs and the financial circumstances of both parties. Tennessee courts consider several...
Your Legal Guide Through Life’s Twists And Turns
Spousal and Child Support
Navigating wedding costs as divorced parents
Recently, we discussed tips for dealing with your co-parent during your child's graduation and surrounding celebrations. Now, we're going to look at another big event that too often causes conflict between divorced parents of young adults -- their child's wedding. A...
Tennessee judge upholds singer’s prenuptial agreement
Singer Jill Scott's break-up with her husband just 15 months after the two married has garnered considerable media attention largely because her estranged husband, Mike Dobson, has been seeking spousal support. He's asking for this money despite the fact that the...
How do courts enforce a child custody order?
Imagine that you and your children have benefited from court-ordered child support payments for years, but suddenly, the father of your children doesn't want to send the money anymore. Now, you're struggling to make financial ends meet for your family and you don't...
What can my kids and I do during a supervised visitation?
Nobody wants to feel restricted by a supervised visitation. Still, if a judge has ordered that all of your contact with your children must be supervised, you might want to focus on the positive fact that at least you can still spend time with your children. This...
Special needs children and child custody
State family law courts are beginning to support the idea of joint 50/50 child custody more and more. In these arrangements, children divide their time living with each parent half of the time. Many children adapt well to these arrangements and enjoy spending as much...
Examples of 3 types of alimony
When Tennessee spouses get divorced, it's not uncommon for one spouse to have a far greater earning capacity than the other spouse. For example, perhaps one spouse stayed home with the children, taking care of house and home, while the other spouse worked to earn a...
Should more men apply for alimony?
Four hundred thousand people are getting spousal maintenance payments from their ex-spouses in the United States. However, only 3 percent of these spousal support recipients are men. Nevertheless, in 40 percent of United States households, women are the highest...
The 3 types of alimony
In most Tennessee divorce cases, alimony awards are temporary. However, in some situations, there is the possibility that alimony will be awarded indefinitely. In this article, we will review the three types of alimony that Tennessee family court judges may award and...
How much child support will I be able to receive?
When a custodial parent has sole custody and is the primary caretaker of his or her children, the noncustodial parent will usually need to pay child support. The question is, how much child support will the custodial parent have the right to receive? In almost all...