People who are going through a divorce after a lengthy marriage have various interests to consider as they strategize in re: how they’re going to approach their divorce process. One of priorities is often what will happen with the couple’s retirement accounts. This is...
Your Legal Guide Through Life’s Twists And Turns
Property Division
Why you need a prenuptial agreement
Tennessee has seen tremendous economic growth in recent years. This means that prospective spouses may have more assets that they have accumulated by the time they are married. This increases the risk that you may lose some of this property in a divorce. You can...
How can a postnuptial agreement strengthen your marriage?
You and your spouse didn't get a prenuptial agreement before you married. There's still a way to protect your financial future in the event of a divorce. It's called a postnuptial agreement. Some people are incentivized to get a postnup if they believe they may be...
Getting organized is key if you’re contemplating divorce
When you've come to the decision to end your marriage (or perhaps your spouse has made that decision for both of you), it's only natural to feel stressed out and emotionally fragile. Likely, the last thing you want to do is start combing through file cabinets, drawers...
How couples often unwittingly commingle assets
Most married couples commingle some, if not most, of their assets. They open joint bank accounts, take out joint credit cards and buy homes, cars and other property together. It simply makes things easier. You're building a life and likely raising children together....
Can my soon-to-be ex-spouse take part of my inheritance?
A sudden influx of inherited money is a boon for all families. However, what will happen to your inheritance in the event you get a divorce? Will you get to keep the entirety of your inheritance? Will your ex-spouse take part of these assets? The answers to these...
When does financial trouble cause divorce?
Imagine you are slaving away at your "9-to-5 job," which has actually become a "7-to-8" job as you struggle to connect the financial dots for your family. Meanwhile, your spouse is at home, jobless and perhaps even suffering from a drug problem or psychological...
What are some upsides to a prenuptial agreement?
Last week, we discussed some of the downsides related to prenuptial agreements. This week, we're going to cover the upsides. Indeed, it's precisely because of the numerous benefits associated with premarital agreements that spouses choose to draft and sign these...
What are the downsides of a prenuptial agreement?
If you're thinking about a prenuptial agreement, you might want to educate yourself, not only on the upsides of signing this kind of document before marriage, but also on the downsides. Ultimately, when it comes to any kind of legal arrangement – including marriage –...
Tips for surviving the financial aspects of divorce
There are a lot of money-matters that divorcing spouses need to attend to. These financial responsibilities might not have existed prior to the initiation of the divorce process. As such, it is important to familiarize yourself with various tips and tricks for...