Fathers in Tennessee, as in any other place, are typically concerned about the well-being of their children. Due to this, some cases regarding paternity, DNA testing or fathers’ rights stress the significant involvement of the father in his child’s life. Though some families in Clarksville may anticipate that the mother can provide more than enough care for the child compared to the father, various studies show how fatherhood impacts children in important and positive ways.
As stated in a research study about fatherhood, a father’s good relationship with his child improves the child’s emotional, cognitive and social development. Other studies have confirmed that children as young as 3 years old with involved fathers have higher IQ levels and are more competent. When it comes to academics, these children performed better and have fewer behavioral problems compared to kids without involved fathers. Also, children with caring fathers have fewer anxiety issues, higher level of happiness and are more emotionally competent, according to the study.
Accordingly, both parents play an important role in their child’s upbringing; however, an unmarried father who is willing and able to fulfill his responsibilities may nevertheless find a child’s biological mother or other family members restricting or denying his visitation rights or even custody itself. It is crucial that paternity be established through a DNA test as a father’s first step towards recognition of his rights. From there, visitation and custody arrangements can either be negotiated by the parties, or if necessary, a court order may be sought.
Nowadays, there are many factors that can affect a father-child relationship. However, fathers do have legal rights in custody and visitation disputes that they need to understand.
Source: Mercurynews.com, “Offra Gerstein, Relationship Matters: Fathers are their daughters’ guiding lights,” Offra Gerstein, Jan. 20, 2013