Tennessee residents who keep up with celebrity divorces may be aware that the divorce between Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise seems to have ended smoothly. Custody of their daughter was given to the mom while the father has parenting and visitation rights. Nevertheless, followers of the story may be interested to hear how their daughter spent the holiday season after the divorce.
Suri Cruise split Christmas day between both of her parents. Reportedly, she spent time with her mom and then visited her dad and her two half-siblings. This situation is evidence that divorce should not hold back children or divorced parents from having a happy time during the holidays. It also shows that civilized sharing of parenting duties can be possible for divorced families at any time of the year.
After divorce, each parent may find it difficult to have a positive relationship with the former spouse, but children should never have to suffer because of their parents’ feelings towards one another. To prevent inflicting the negative effects of divorce on children, both ex-spouses must play their roles responsibly to parent effectively.
Co-parents must set aside their differences and conflicts for the sake of the child. They should avoid confrontation on any issues that may trigger tension for either one of them. Additionally, even after divorce, parents should show mutual respect under all circumstances. Respect may make both parents appreciate the importance of each other when it comes to their child’s welfare.
Any decision making should be done by both parents, taking the viewpoints and suggestions of both into account. Doing so can promote respect and cooperation. Also, sharing responsibility allows each parent to spend time with the child depending on the visitation arrangements. This can help children cope with divorce more easily.
The best interests of the child are always weighted heavily in divorce proceedings. Because both parents are typically concerned for their children, divorced spouses need to concentrate on their children’s needs rather than wrangling over their disagreements. Parents should remember that although having an amicable relationship with their ex-spouse may seem impossible, pursuing peace for their kids’ sake is essential.
Source: Business2Community, “Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise Celebrate the Holidays Together with Suri,” Jan. 1, 2013