The Grammy’s is one of the most awaited events in the music industry. Montgomery, Tennessee, residents may have watched this prestigious event as their favorite stars performed onstage and received awards for different categories. Surprisingly, many of the artists may be making an impact because of their divorce cases. Some stars might face child custody cases during the process.
Tennesseans may learn a thing or two from celebrity divorces, especially in child custody cases. Patrick Carney and Dan Auerbach of the Black Keys received awards at the Grammy’s. Auerbach received the Best Producer award, and the Black Keys also received an award as a group. Awards serve as recognition for artists, but behind the scenes there is a different story, divorce.
Auerbach and his wife are currently going through a divorce. They may face child custody issues because of their 4-year-old daughter. Auerbach reportedly was not wearing his wedding ring during the event. His wife seemed to miss the event due to their split.
Divorce happens all over the country. Celebrities facing divorce and child custody disputes share tremendous emotional distress. Child custody cases should not be played like a tug-of-war because both parties are seeking to gain primary custody of the child. It is important for parents to understand that their children are not pawns in their divorce battles. They may be feeling anxious and regretful, but it is important to keep in mind that their children may be feeling the same way or worse.
In Tennessee, courts consider the best interests of the child. Both parties may have an amicable settlement of shared custody so that their children may enjoy the love and care coming from both parents.
Source: The Huffington Post, “Dan Auerbach divorce: The Black Keys singer splits from wife, attends grammys solo (REPORT),” Feb. 12, 2013.