Several Montgomery residents may be fans of director Michael Moore’s documentary films. The controversial director is well known for directing several films including Oscar-winning “Bowling for Columbine” and “Fahrenheit 9/11.” What is not very well known about him is that his wife, Kathleen Glynn has contributed greatly to the success of many of his films as a producer. Together, the couple has collaborated to make several successful films. But after 21 years of marriage, the pair has decided to go their separate ways.
After filing for divorce on June 17, Moore stated that his marriage has broken down and that “there remains no reasonable likelihood that the marriage can be preserved.” The two have acquired numerous expensive assets including a lake front home worth over one million dollars. The filmmaker is supposedly worth around $50 million. Since the couple has no children or prenuptial agreement, there next obstacle in the divorce is tackling property division.
In the state of Tennessee, marital property is divided as equally as possible. Assets acquired during marriage such as a boat, car or house are all usually divided 50-50. Property division can be straight forward in some aspects but when complex issues such as a joint business or an item of sentimental value come into play, the process can often be prolonged. For example, say a couple both wants to keep a piece of art, only one can have it so a judge may award it to one person or rule in favor of selling it, splitting the profits equally between both spouses.
Property division is seldom an easy process in divorce. Montgomery residents concerned about the future of their assets may require the legal assistance to ensure their needs are met.
Source: CBS News, “Michael Moore files for divorce from Kathleen Glynn after 21 years,” July 22, 2013