Tennessee parents understand that their children might witness some fights in the household. When spouses no longer get along, they will begin discussing the options for divorce or separation. Initially, these conversations could be fueled with emotion, which could create an unhealthy environment for the children. Parents should realize that they not only need to determine child custody once the divorce is completed, but they also need to decide what is best for the children during the divorce or separation process.
A recent report highlighted the affects that a divorce could have on the child or children that are involved. These mental, emotional and physical affects are important to acknowledge and recognize from the initial decision to get a divorce, all the way through child custody agreements and modifications.
Depending on their age, a child may not fully understand why their parents can no longer live in the same household. Moreover, they may not be able to fully grasp the idea that they will need to travel from one house to another in order to spend time with both parents. This will often ignite several questions that will often relate to what school they will go to, will they need to make new friends, how this will affect vacations and holidays and if there is anything they can do to prevent the divorce from happening.
A child who was used to living in one home may find it difficult to transition to living in two households. The challenge of acclimating to this change could be heightened if both parents move. The child or children no longer have the comfort of their current home and will need to make huge adjustments. The idea of moving is not often an exciting point during the divorce, so it is important that parents take time to appropriately address this issue.
Once they understand that they their parents are no longer going to be together, depending on their age, the child might be able to determine which household they would like to live in or if they could handle joint custody moving frequently from one house to the other.
No matter what the age of the child, the discussion of divorce and determining what is in the best interest of the child should always occur. Deciding child custody or visitation rights can be difficult and it can change several times due to life events and court modifications. Experienced family law professionals are available to assist parents who are struggling with divorce and child custody issues.
Source: Wicked Local, “Navigating separation and divorce,” Traci Lamperti, Sept. 15, 2013