In Montgomery, when two people share a child and are no longer together as a couple, they must set a plan for child custody and visitation rights and adhere to it to avoid conflict. If a parent is scheduled to have visitation with the child, one of the worst things the other parent can do is try to prevent that visit from taking place. If there are illegal acts to keep the other parent from seeing the child, criminal charges are a possibility.
Recently, a father went to get his child from the home of the mother. She refused to respond when he arrived. The man had brought other family members along with him in the event this occurred as it had happened in the past. The man contacted police. While they waited for the police to arrive, an argument between a member of the father’s family and the mother’s family began. Seven young men soon arrived and a fight started. The father was trying to stop the fight when he was knocked down. He was then assaulted with kicks and punches. A 19-year-old was arrested. It’s unknown whether any of the juveniles involved in the incident were placed under arrest.
Whether married or not, both parents have a right to see their child. A key to visitation rights is formulating a plan that will be agreeable to both sides. In some instances, the court will award joint custody to the parents. In others, one parent will have primary child custody with the other having visitation rights.
The most important aspect of a custody dispute is that it doesn’t put the child in the middle. The child must be the main concern and constant fighting can negatively affect the child’s well-being. When there are issues between the parents, it’s imperative that they discuss them and get them straightened out before they permeate into the relationship with the child.
In this case, the father had had problems with the mother and getting the child for scheduled visits. This time, it turned violent and at least one person was arrested. Rather than have a custody dispute turn ugly, parents who are concerned about the custody arrangement should follow any child custody order that is currently in place.
Source:, “Custody Dispute Leads To Father Being Attacked By Group,” May 12, 2014