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Why is it important to challenge a TN paternity result?

| Sep 23, 2015 | Child Custody and Visitation

If a DNA test is ordered and administered properly, there is usually a very small margin of error on the results. However, there have been instances in the past of improperly handled or administered DNA tests. This should be of some interest to a parent who is looking to challenge a paternity result, especially for the sake of child custody. A faulty DNA test result could result in a court finding of legal paternity, or not, in the state of Tennessee.

If there is a question of paternity from either mother or father, the court usually orders a DNA test. If the test is administered correctly, there is rarely any grounds for either side to challenge the results. However from time to time, the test can be improperly administered or catalogued and this can result in a faulty result.

An incorrect paternity result could spell disaster for a father who is desperate to prove a biological link to their child. If a parent believes that the test produced an erroneous result, it is important for the parent to challenge that result in order to make access to legal paternity and visitation easier. It is always the court’s wish that biological parents are able to care for and have a relationship with their child, assuming it is in the best interests of the child.

When it comes to the best interests of the child in question, the Montgomery county courts takes into account many factors. Each paternity case and situation is unique and will have unique challenges associated with it. Although parents may disagree, middle-ground can always be found in order to best benefit the child at the heart of the dispute. When parents collaborate it can make the process quicker and easier for everyone involved. If a parentage agreement requires a paternity test, however, each party should understand the benefits and possible shortcoming of such testing.

Source: FindLaw, “Challenging Paternity,” Accessed Sept. 20, 2015


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