If you are thinking of getting or have already completed a divorce, there is often an adjustment period related to cost of living as a couple to that as a single person. When kids are involved, this can seem to stretch the finances even further. Many stay-at-home parents decide to go back to work-post split mostly due to the cost of living expenses. Here are some tips for recently divorced parents who are jumping back into the job market.
So many stay-at-home parents have been ‘out of the game’ so to speak for many years. That is why many re-entering the work force are looking for all the advice they can get. Talking to other single parents can really give perspective about what to expect during this new phase of your life.
Since asset division is a step in the divorce process, single parents often find themselves with half of the financial clout they once owned with their ex-spouse. Cost of living increases when single because everyday costs such as mortgage, utilities and food are no longer split between two adults. Going back to work is a great way to off-set those expenses the recently divorced now finds themselves with. Increase that bank account and balance family life by speaking with other single professionals, updating the resume and understanding technology trends.
Moving on from a divorce can be an uncertain and difficult time. In such situations, seeking the assistance of an experienced attorney can sometimes help those in post-divorce positions move forward in a prepared manner. It may not be easy or simple, but moving on from a divorce can be done.
Source: Huffington Post, “Tips for Going Back to Work After Divorce,” Jackie Pilossoph, Jan. 3, 2015