Spousal support and child support laws exist for a very good reason — they are there to prevent the horrible situation of a spouse being trapped in an unhealthy marriage as a result of financial concerns. If one spouse is the primary breadwinner, then the other spouse could lose control in the relationship and be forced to endure an unhealthy relationship simply because he or she cannot afford to live independently without the financial support of the other spouse.
In Florida, spousal support in most cases is a temporary series of payments by the “moneyed” spouse to the “less-moneyed” spouse over a period of time. The payments are meant to bolster the spouse’s ability to be financially independent while taking steps through education and acquiring new skills to begin a new career or livelihood that provides a stable income. In this respect, spousal support can be seen as a bridge that assists an ex-spouse during a time that could be financially unstable. Similarly, child support is important to provide the less-moneyed spouse who has custody of the children with the ability to care for his or children in a manner that is on par with the quality of life the children experienced during the marriage.
Florida law allows for rulings that award child support and spousal support payments to ex-spouses during divorce proceedings. However, that does not mean that the spouses will agree on how much that financial support should be. In some cases, litigation is required to resolve such disputes; therefore, it is always advisable for Florida parents to enlist the services of an experienced divorce attorney to help them resolve their child support and alimony disagreements. At the Law Office of Steven C. Girsky, we have helped many individuals in such disagreements and are available to speak with Florida spouses and parents about their cases.