Most couples enter marriage with the intention of “until death do us part,” but doesn’t mean the marriages will endure. For this reason, the institution of divorce in modern society has become just as commonplace as the institution of marriage. Nevertheless, it appears that contemporary couples are waiting longer to get married, and this could be helping modern marriages endure.
Recent statistics published by Bridebook show that couples are waiting longer before they say “I do.” Not only are people waiting until they’re older before they get married, but they’re also dating for longer periods before tying the knot.
The Bridebook survey questioned 4,000 couples who recently got married. The survey discovered that, on average, couples dated for nearly five years prior to marriage. Couples dated for 17 months before they lived together. They lived together for 22 months before they got engaged. They stayed engaged for 20 months before their marriage dates.
In addition to these revelations, the study also showed that divorce rates haven’t been as low as they are today since 1971. Furthermore, 83 percent of surveyed couples claimed that they married out of choice, and not due to feeling pressured. The founder of Bridebook commented that modern relationships are getting better, and couples are considering the decision to marry more carefully today than they did in the past.
While these statistics are certainly promising, the reality of divorce remains. People change and grow at different rates and — as anyone who has decided to go through a divorce will tell you — it’s impossible to know for sure whether your marriage will endure.
If you are considering divorce in Tennessee, you may want to speak with an experienced divorce attorney to understand more about the process and what to expect during your separation.
Source: Business Insider, “Couples are waiting longer than ever to get married — here's how long they spend dating, living together, and engaged,” Kristin Salaky, accessed Oct. 06, 2017