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3 reasons to stay away from social media while divorcing

| Feb 1, 2018 | Divorce

During a divorce, limiting contact with your former spouse can be a good, healthy step to take. Unfortunately, in the age of social media, that is easier said than done. 

While the divorce is still in progress, you should consider limiting your time on sites such as Facebook and Twitter. In some cases, you may want to log off completely until everything is final. There are several ways in which the things you post on social media can negatively impact your case. 

1. Pictures demonstrating detrimental behavior

When you and your ex cannot agree on a child custody agreement, both your legal teams will look for any evidence to sway the judge. This evidence can include pictures and comments you make on Facebook. If you post pictures of yourself going out to clubs every week, then the opposition’s legal team can use those pictures to call into question your prowess as a parent. These claims be lack any validity, but you do not want to give the court any reason to limit time with your child. 

2. Family and friends are in an uncomfortable position

You also want to avoid using social media as a platform to vent your frustrations. You and your ex may have shared friends and acquaintances, and these negative posts will only alienate these people. Give yourself some time to gain perspective. Before posting something, sit on it for a little bit to mull it over. You may realize posting something nasty will result in severe consequences. 

3. Your personal well-being

Social media has made it easier than ever to see what your ex is up to. While you are still in the middle of the divorce process, you may discover your former spouse is now dating someone else. Part of going through a divorce involves taking care of your emotional well-being. Do not intentionally put yourself in any more pain. Block your former partner on all your social media feeds, so you do not accidentally stumble on something. 


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