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What are my rights as a Tennessee noncustodial parent?

| Nov 3, 2018 | Divorce

Even if you don’t have physical custody of your children, if you’re a noncustodial parent, you still have legal rights with respect to your status as a parent under Tennessee family law.

Here are the most important noncustodial parental rights you have (as long as they don’t interfere with the best interests of your child):

– At least two uninterrupted phone calls with your child every week.

– The ability to send private mail to your child that the other parent may not intercept, censor or open.

– The right to be notified of important news about your child as soon as possible. If it involves an illness or hospitalization, you have the right to receive notice within 24 hours of it happening.

– The right to have direct access to correspondence and records from your child’s school.

– The right to have access to your child’s medical records.

– The right for you and your family to not be demeaned or spoken badly of in front of your child.

– The right to receive 48 hours of notice prior to extra-curricular activities like performances and sporting events.

– The right to get a travel itinerary from the other parent when he or she is leaving the state for over two days.

– The right to participate in your child’s educational and other activities.

Is the custodial parent of your child honoring your rights as a noncustodial parent? If you suspect that the other parent is acting in a way that interferes with your parental rights, you may want to discuss your situation with a qualified family law attorney.

A family law attorney will educate you on ways to ensure your family law rights are honored. Your attorney can also pursue legal claims on your behalf in court if necessary.


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